Lara Keuck
Lara Keuck is a professor for history and philosophy of medicine at Bielefeld University and leads an independent Max Planck Research Group on Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
In 2020, she was elected to Die Junge Akademie, the young academy of Leopoldina and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. She is co-chair of the Junge Akademie working group on Engaged Science that is dedicated to a critical and constructive reflection on the relationship between academic research, science communication, policy advice and activism. In 2022, she was the first member of a young academy to be elected to the ALLEA board. She is involved in the evaluation of SAPEA’s aim to recruit more early- and mid-career researchers for science policy advice, and has helped to develop and sustain different forms of collaboration between European National Young Academies and ALLEA. In her academic work as well as a member of the ALLEA board, Lara promotes cross-border and interdisciplinary collaboration, and advocates for open, fair, sustainable and inclusive research environments.
Research communities in different countries, disciplines and institutions are affected in various ways by geopolitical events. We need spaces in which we can listen to each other; in which we can talk and think with each other about the variety of implications that geopolitical dynamics have on individuals and communities in academia. To navigate challenges, we need to understand them, and to understand them, we need respectful and open international exchange.”